
 iLearn SolarSystem: teaches the Solar System.
Stunning animations of the Solar System and the planets will capture your attention while Astronaut Ashley talks about each of them. What is unique about this application is the style of teaching, a child will learn a lot in the one to one lessons that Astronaut Ashely gives, specially since the ability to read is not required to learn about our Solar System. Other applications on the planets, Solar System have a large amount of textual information, which young readers might find overwhelming, with iLearn SolarSystem they only need to watch and listen.
Astronaut Ashley teaches all the planets in the Solar System: Mercury, Vewnus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. She also explains concepts like Revolution, Gravity, Satellite. Details on the Sun and the Moon are also taught.
Astronaut Ashley and ZooBy the alien also play a guessing game with you to quiz you on your knowledge.
